Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Workshop on Global Classroom

I will be a panelist this Shenandoah University workshop on Thursday, May 19. I am a big believer in the benefits of "global learning" - how traveling abroad can empower and inspire. Documented an SU trip to Mali last spring for a film called "Dance with the Baobab" and watched a few participants bloom. It needs to be done thoughtfully, however - or it just is a bunch of priviledged kids on vacation with discussions thrown in. Moderator Gerry Kiefer is a terrific artist and original thinker so it should be interesting. More tomorrow on what the others say...

May Faculty Workshop Session: "Global Dynamics and the Expanded Classroom"
Thursday, May 18, 10 a.m.-noon, Hester Auditorium

This session will explore two interrelated themes: first, global learning (study abroad), global citizenship and global creativity (international experiences in dance, performing arts and visual arts) and how they constitute dynamic learning environments for both traditional and non-traditional students; and secondly, the synergistic potential of faculty, staff and students in an ongoing experiential learning community--a "global symposium." Panelists include Global Citizenship Program (GCP) participants as well as others with international experiences. The audience will be engaged to envision an ongoing “global forum” at SU.

Introduction of session and speakers, 10-10:10
Session Moderator: Geraldine W. Kiefer, Assistant Professor, Art History and Art

Plenary address, 10:10-10:40:
Robert Bersson, Professor Emeritus of Art and Art History, James Madison University.

Professor Bersson will illuminate “the global” in three senses: 1. in terms of holistic approaches to engaging students in the learning process; 2. in terms of multicultural and intercultural course content; 3. in terms of multicultural and intercultural contributions from the students themselves. He will employ a power point presentation, featuring works of art and photos of classroom activity, to bring these three areas to visual life. Questions and comments are welcome after Professor Bersson’s talk.

Named Teacher of the Year by the JMU College of Arts and Letters and Southeastern Art Educator of the Year by the National Art Education Association, Bob Bersson is especially interested in teaching and learning at the college level. His presentations and writings over the past several years focus on student-centered, active-learning approaches to instruction. Author of the art appreciation/art history textbook, Responding to Art: Form, Content, and Context (McGraw-Hill 2004), Dr. Bersson is also a practicing artist and musician.

Panelists and interactive discussion, followed by questions, comments and projections, 10:45-noon:

Erica Helm, Chair, Dance Division , 10:45-10:55
Erica will describe two different experiences: touring with a performing ensemble, and touring with a group on a “study” experience. “Both have led to powerful personal/professional changes in the participants and paved the way for opportunities to extend the learning experiences into the Shenandoah community.”

Elaine Magee, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 10:55-11:05
Traveling to a country and not knowing the language or culture can be challenging. “My international experience should give me an idea of how international students feel when they come to Shenandoah University.” Illustrating her talk with slides from her recent GCP trip to Turkey, Elaine will explore notions of social and cultural space.

Paulette Moore, Director/Producer Special Projects SUTV, 11:05-11:15
Utilizing clips from a program she produced seven months after her GCP trip to Mali, Paulette will present a participant’s reflection on the 2005 Global Citizenship Program. Documenting the Mali trip on video offered the unique opportunity to observe up-close the students’ anticipation of the experience, their growth throughout the trip and their ongoing interest in developing as global citizens since they’ve returned.

Gary Robbins, Chaplain, 11:15-11:25
There is much more to mission than a mission trip, but leading and participating in mission experiences provide opportunities to consider how life-changing experiences and service might be applied in future ventures, both abroad and at home. Spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and vocational insight can result from participation in a faith-based mission trip. Gary will be illustrating his talk with a brief Powerpoint presentation.

John Stevens, Director of Auxiliary Services, 11:25-11:35
John will give a participant’s reflection on the 2005 Global Citizenship Program.

Julie Bean, Alumna (SU Class of 2005), 11:35-11:45
Julie will describe her GCP experience on Mali. Julie’s visit was not only a life-changing experience, leading her to explore and value the beauties of Mali art and craftsmanship, but the impetus to her current project: making and selling jewelry to support Mali women.

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